Shugo Chara! 2

Series: Shugo Chara!
Artist, author: PEACH-PIT
Language: Finnish
Released in (this edition): 2010

Amu Hinamori has a hard time expressing her true self and coming out of her hard outer shell. One morning Amu wakes up with three mysterious eggs beside her, which hatch into little guardian characters, Shugo Charas! These little characters help Amu break her shell and show her true colors, but can the people around Amu do the same? And what exactly are the Shugo Charas...?

Shugo Chara! has a special place in my heart, since it was the first manga I collected while it was releasing. Funnily enough, volume 2 was the one where I started collecting, and it actually took me years to get my hands on the first volume! (I had read it, since I borrowed it from a friend, but for a long time it was the white whale of my collection.) It's also sentimental because I used to borrow my books for my friends, since the series wasn't in our local library. Strangely enough it was quite popular in my friend group even though my friends weren't that into animanga!

Reading the series now as an adult isn't nearly as impactful as it was as a preteen, but it's still a fun series that I'd recommend, especially if you like cute magical girl stuff.